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Dear Colleagues,
We would like to inform you that the 2016 18th International Society for Business Innovation and Technology Management Conference on Sustainable Consumption and Production in Business Decision Making Model will be held in University of Michigan from May 1-3, 2016.
Authors wishing to submit a paper should send an abstract to the Secretariat, on or before Feb 28, 2016.
Τhe outstanding papers will be recommended for entry to various journals, including Resources, Conservation, and Recycling (SCI); J of Cleaner Production (SCI), J of APBITMS, Progress of BITM, and other SCI Journals.
The registration fee and other details are in the attached Call for Papers.
More information is available at:  
We remain at your disposal for any clarification.
Kind Regards
Fleurdelys V. Ignacio
Secretariat, ISBITM