Circular Economy COMMENT & REVIEW DESIGN AND PLANNING EID Environmental Science and Technology Park(ESTP) Green Design Sustainable Design and Planning 生態工業園不再生態 2009-06-22 Bruce K. Chung Views: 23 「我們的審查,只是教導開發單位更狡猾地包…
NEWS [Viet Nam] Tay Ninh plans to create ‘eco-cities’ 2009-06-22 EID news Views: 3Tay Ninh plans to crea…
COMMENT & REVIEW Green Design 我們不介意品嚐綠領新瓶舊酒 2009-06-01 Bruce K. Chung Views: 6我們不介意品嚐綠領新瓶舊酒 作者:Bruce…