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Bruce K. Chung

Bruce K. Chung, Founder of the Eco-Industrial Development Network (EID Network)

Bruce devoted himself into the realm of cultural heritage conservation and re-use design, participatory design and planning as a chief architectural designer in Architect Lin Associate during the late 1990s. That was the first professional career of Bruce to be in charge of noted design projects including Ilan House-Nr.008 (awarded by the 1st Taiwan Green Buildings Award), Hsinchu Image Museum(re-design from the abandoned public theater), Window on China (leading theme park in Taiwan),  and interior design of the church of Fu Jen Catholic University..,etc.

In 1998, Bruce switched to the best professional planning school in Taiwan to look for a solution to the dilemma between the development of Hsinchu Science Park and the sustainable environment. The field of eco-industrial development (EID) based on industrial ecology was connected to Bruce’s studies and professional career. The master thesis on eco-industrial parks written by Bruce K. Chung was taken as the pioneer study, as well as a driven force to the latter Taiwan’s national policy of eco-industrial parks (environmental science technology park). By 2002, Bruce got an offer, assistant researcher of the Center for National Land Development Research, to handle a pilot technical project to initiate the mechanism of sustainable development for industrial estates supported by the Industrial Development Bureau. Meanwhile, the attendance to the EID Roundtable held in Kalundborg (2001) and reviews on Asian and global EIDs was clarified and networked glocally.

After 2002, Bruce went to National Taiwan University to continue his independent research and practices on the EID. Consulting services were provided for enterprises, governments, communities on green product design, environment planning, and strategic plans, as well as coaching and training for public and private organizations. Focus area was enhanced to China and Asia. Bruce argued the barrier to promote sustainability is not merely environmental issues, but embedded ideology and cultural concerns, in particular the sense of Chinese culture and society. A comparative study between Taiwan and mainland China based on field works in Yangling agro-hightech industrial park was presented for the crucial forum. As a cross-disciplinary industrial ecologist, Bruce tried hard to tell a fortune with a critical observation on the development of Chinese circular economy. Unfortunately, the fortune is getting real.

In 2012, Bruce relocated to Germany, which generated a closer distance for more interview and on-site observation on the sustainable triple bottom line in Europe. Bruce is currently running a professional consulting firm, COCI consultancy, based in Asia. A new partnership with the Carbon Circle is ready to launch in China recently. Looking for new partners locally and globally for a better world of win-win-win.


鍾國輝(Bruce K. Chung),全球第一位(1998)且唯一以綠建築與生態城市專業投入產業生態學/產業共生/生態工業園領域,擔任過國家級示範計畫總顧問(2003)的產業生態學家先驅。


2000年出席具有里程碑意義的丹麥卡倫堡(Kalundborg)生態化產業發展/產業共生圓桌高階會議(康乃爾大學環境中心Ed. Cohen-Rothensal主持),奠定全球最前沿的科研領航成果。


擔任過國家級環保科技園區相關計畫總顧問、海內外大型顧問公司、(德國)台灣搖籃到搖籃策略聯盟等總顧問,在大學任教過科學與人文整合課程,擔任過政府部門在建築與城鄉規劃、環保、農業、勞工等審委。更因學術與專業貢獻受國際學術專業組織肯定,在台大博士班時即受邀擔任美國耶魯大學編輯的國際產業生態學會(ISIE)理事長提名委員會委員、【產業生態學期刊Journal of Industrial Ecology】(SCI)、英國里茲大學編輯的【企業與環境策略】等國際學術期刊審委。


併行在綠色、產業共生設計與發展戰略的實務與學術道路上,不安於單一身份,長期在NGO、企業、科研、政府計劃等角色中移轉,以自身知識與行動的跨領域身份,在慣性分工社會中顯得特異,也凸顯當前世界需要有更突破的跨界思維與行動,才能解決錯綜複雜的矛盾。因此,鍾國輝提出「Industrial Symbiotic Power (ISP)產生力/產業共生力/產業生態力」理念,希望以深刻在產業/生態/空間/文化各軸向經驗,歸納出組織與環境發展的可持續能力框架。