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This letter to the editor from Stuart Oliver, a reader of,
has shown strong opinions on the management strategy of the first EIP demo site, the Cape Charles.

Talking about the eco-industrial tries in ebery places,stakeholders have to be a sense of politics.
The point is we got to know the role of politics, but shouldn’t fall into a political game all the time.
Yap, it’s hard to distinguish this fuzzy conditons…

Remember eco-industrial tries during the election

To the editor:

I read with great interest the recent article documenting the history of the Port of Cape Charles Sustainable Technologies Industrial Park. In typical liberal fashion, these failures have been twisted to resemble a success, and the taxpayer, as usual, is left with a big bill — to the tune of $250,000 per year since 1996.

How can a glorified office park with a 20 percent occupancy rate after eight years of existence be considered anything but a failure?

Tom Harris, our former county administrator and one of the developers of this scheme, was quoted in the article: “The work we did has begun to engage the private sector.” This is, at best, disingenuous. Three things have revitalized Cape Charles: Bay Creek, Bay Creek and Bay Creek, and the industrial park had nothing to do with it.

I distinctly remember our Harris and Tim Hayes (a former industrial park staffer) traveling to Brazil in the late 1990s to show the good people of Brazil how they, too, could have an eco-industrial park like the progressive town of Cape Charles.

I wonder if we can ship our current county administrator to South America so he can teach them how to dismantle a failed one?

In case noone has noticed, Northampton County is one of the poorest counties in Virginia. It sickens me that we are perennially used as a laboratory for hare-brained environmental experiments. The voters should remember this in the next election.

Stuart Oliver


Originally published Wednesday, May 19, 2004